2nd Grade

Second grade is a year of growth for students in several areas that include academics, as well as social skills and personal responsibility. These first weeks, we will be building classroom routines and establishing expectations.  As the children build skills to work collaboratively and independently, we will begin to incorporate our reading and math learning stations into our daily lesson structure.

In our first outdoor classroom experience, the children used the scientific skill of observation to discover the sound of the Chatfield windmill and to identify an unknown insect as an unusual wasp. A visit to the Willows allowed the children the opportunity to interact with baby chicks. We will continue to use our unique and beautiful Chatfield outdoor classroom for many lessons throughout the year.

Our local community will be the focus of our Social Studies units. Second Graders partner with Paradise Animal Rescue (PAR). Groups of children will volunteer on Fridays throughout the school year. They will have the opportunity to care for pets at the rescue. This year long partnership fosters an understanding of why people in the community volunteer by being a volunteer!

Science investigations include studies under four separate headings:

1. The structure and properties of matter

2. Interdependent relationships in ecosystems

3. Earth’s systems: Processes that shape the Earth

4. Engineering design.

Topics of study include landforms, life cycles, insects, plant life, the interdependence of living things and more.

Each classroom has written a Pod Pledge.

The Pod Pledge is recited every morning as a daily promise toward learning and growing together. We take care of each other here.