Chatfield School offers an array of counseling services for all students.
Small group counseling is offered as needed. Small group topics and members are determined by the teachers, directors and counselor. Consent forms are sent home to inform parents of the topic and goals of the group. Parents have the option of allowing their child to participate or declining the invitation to the small group.
Classroom based counseling is a service provided to all students. The school counselor assists in teaching character education, social skills and other social and emotional topics needed as determined by the teacher throughout the school year.
- Individual counseling is offered when a student is referred by their parent, teacher or school director. Students may also request individual school counseling services. Students are provided with support in dealing with issues that interfere with their learning in school. The school counselor assists students in finding healthy ways to feel better so that they are more prepared to learn and enjoy school. Consent forms are sent home to inform parents of the individual counseling referral. Parents are encouraged to call, email or meet with the school counselor with any information, questions or concerns related to their child's individual counseling.
OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, and schools.
OK2SAY is available state-wide for public and private schools in Michigan; anybody can submit a confidential tip.
Specially trained technicians receive the tips and filter the information to the appropriate agency to provide a timely and effective response.